Celebrating 17th of May – the Norwegian national day

17th of May is celebrated all over Norway. In Åkra and in Baugstranda pupils from Åkra school came together and celebrated our freedom.

 It was on 17th of May 1814 Norway got their constitution. This happened after more than 400 years under Danish rule in the union with Denmark. Norway came under Swedish rule, but could keep their constitution. This was the start of becoming an independent country. In 1905 Norway declared their freedom from Sweden, and this happened peacefully. Being a  free country should not be taken for granted, and the Norwegians are proud patriots ,especially when it comes to celebrating their National day. Most places this is done with parades in the streets, speeches, lots of good food, games and having fun together.

Anna K. Hellevang

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  1. Anna - 8th grade Åkra said

    The National day in Norway is on 17th of May and in Poland is our national day 11th of November and 3rd of May. In Poland have we two National days. We do not celebrate our national day like in Norway, but we have a day off school. On 11th of November we celebrate our national day on school. We sing national music, we have a talent show, eat and play games , like jumping. We have not a National Costume like in Norway. Poland’s National day is not like a Norwegian national day. I celebrate our national day in Drogosze in Poland, and in Norway I celebrate the national day in Åkra.

  2. Maren said

    17th of May in Baugstranda

    Fist we go in parade, then we go inside and eat sausages and mashed potatoes. We have lost of games, for example, running 60 meters, throwing horseshoes and playing A wheel of fortune. We have also ice cream and soda. At the end the winners of the prizes are announced.

  3. Sylwia said

    17th of the May in Åkra
    Norwegian National day: First we go in a parade in the streets, and many people are dressed National costumes. The women are colourful. We eat meat soup for dinner and cakes for dessert. Then we have games, like quiz, running competitions, and picking potatoes. And we also eat lots of ice cream. Then we sing the National anthem “Ja, vi elsker”. Many win prizes.

  4. Birgitte Shan Qi said

    17th of May is the Norwegian National Day. We celebrate our freedom. Then we got a constitution. It was signed at 17th of Mai 1814.
    Now we celebrate our freedom with dinner, cakes, games and a quiz. At dinner we have meat soup. It’s a soup with potato, meat, carrots, pea, and onion.
    After the dinner we have many different games. Then we have a running competition, picking potato’s, and horseshoe throwing.

  5. Grace said

    Hello! First of all, it looked like ye had so much fun celebrating your national day. You in Norway are like us, we like to dress up, in Ireland most people wear green. Our National Holiday was on the 17th of March, but ours isn’t celebrating our independence but to honour our patron saint, Saint Patrick. There is no day to celebrate when Ireland became independent from England, but there might be in the future(hopefully).
    I really can’t wait until you come and visit us in Ireland. Only two weeks to go! We have loads of fun activities lined up for ye and hopefully you will enjoy them and your stay in Ireland with us. Hopefully we will know who is staying with who in the next few days. Since the weather in Ireland is unpredictable, you might want to bring a rain jacket. At the moment it is fairly sunny and mild. Over the next few days though, they are giving the weather to get better, hopefully it will be very nice.
    I can’t wait to see,
    6th class pupil
    St.Brendan’s N.S.

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